
AAAdaptive Application自适应应用程序
ABCAbstract Base Class
ABIApplication Binary Interface应用程序接口
ADCAnalog Digital Converter模数转换器
AESAdvanced Encryption Standard
AMMApplication Mode Management
APAUTOSAR Adaptive PlatformAUTOSAR自适应平台
APIApplication Programming Interface应用程序接口
ARAAUTOSAR Runtime for Adaptive Applications自适应应用程序运行时
ARPAddress Resolution Protocol地址解析协议
ARTIAUTOSAR Run-Time InterfaceAUTOSAR运行时接口
ASAMAssociation for Standardization of Automation and Measuring systems自动化及测量系统标准协会
ASDAbstract System Description
ASILAutomotive Safety Integrity Levels汽车安全完整性等级
ASWApplication SoftWare应用软件
ATPAUTOSAR Template Profile
ATSAcceptance Test Suite
AUTOSARAUTomotive Open System Architecture汽车开放系统架构
BFxBitfield functions for fixed point
BSWBasic Software基础软件
BSWMBasic SoftWare Mode manager基础软件模式管理器
BSWMDBasic SoftWare Module Description基础软件模块说明
CANController Area Network控制器域网
CCFCommon Cause Failure
CDDComplex Driver复杂驱动
CPAUTOSAR Classic PlatformAUTOSAR经典平台
COMCOmmunication Management通信管理
CPUCentral Processing Unit中央处理器
CRCCyclic Redundancy Check循环冗余校验码
DACDigital to Analog Converter数模转换器
DCMDiagnostic Communication Management诊断通信管理
DDSData Distribution Service数据分发服务
DEMDiagnostic Event Manager诊断事件管理
DESData Encryption Standard数据加密标准
DETDevelopment(Default) Error Tracer默认或开发错误追踪器
DEXTDiagnostic EXTract诊断提取模板
DHCPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DIODigital Input/Output
DLCData Length Code
DMDiagnostic Manager诊断管理
DoIPDiagnostics over Internet Protocol
DTCDiagnostic Trouble Code
DTDDocument Type Definition
E2EEnd to End端到端
ECUElectronic Control Unit电子控制单元
ECBElectronic Code Book
ECCElliptic Curve Cryptography
ECDSAElliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
ECIESElliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme
EDDSAEdwards-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
EECExecutable Entity Cluster
EEPROMElectrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory电可擦可编程序只读存储器
EOCExecution Order Constraint
EOCEERGExecution Order Constraint Executable Entity Reference Group
FCFunctional Cluster
FIDFunction Identifier功能标识符
FIMFunction Inhibition Manager功能禁止管理器
FIFOFirst In First Out先进先出
FIBEXField Bus Exchange Format
FO(AUTOSAR) FOundation基础(CP和AP通用部分)
FOTAFirmware Over The Air固件空中下载
FPUFloating Point Unit
FQDNFully-Qualified Domain Name
FWFire Wire火线
GCMGalios/Counter Mode
GENIVIGENeva In-Vehicle Infotainment
GPTGeneral Purpose Timer通用定时器
GSMGlobal System for Mobile Communication
HMACHash-based Message Authentication Code基于散列的消息认证码
HTTPHypertext Transport Protocol超文本传输协议
I-PDUInteraction Layer Protocol Data Unit
ICCImplementation Conformance Class
ICMPInternet Control Message Protocol
ICOMIntelligent COMmunication controller
ICUInput Capture Unit
IDLInterface Description Language
IECInternational Electrotechnical Commission
IFIInterpolation Floating point
IFxInterpolation Fixed point
IOInput/ Output
IPInternet Protocol
ISOInternational Standardization Organization
ISRInterrupt Service Routine
JSONJavaScript Object Notation
LANLocal Area Network
L-PDUProtocol Data Unit of the data Link layer
L-SDUSDU of the data Link layer
LETLogical Execution Time逻辑执行时间
LIFOLast In First Out后进先出
LINLocal Interconnected Network
LTLog and Trace
LSBLeast Significant Bit最低有效位
MACMedia Access Control
MACMessage Authentication Code
mC( μCMicroController微控制器
MCALMicrocontroller Abstraction Layer微控制器抽象层
MCUMicro Controller Unit
MDMessage Digest
MEMappable Element
MFIMathematical Floating point
MFxMath - Fixed Point
MIPSMillion Instructions Per Second每秒百万条指令
MMUMemory Management Unit内存管理单元
MMIMan Machine Interface人机接口
MOSTMedia Oriented Systems TransportMOST总线
MPUMemory Protection Unit
MSBMost Significant Bit最高有效位
MTUMaximum Transmission Unit最大传输单元
NMNetwork Management网络管理
N-PDUProtocol Data Unit of the Network layer (transport protocols)
N-SDUSDU of the Network layer (transport protocols)
NVRAMNon-Volatile Random Access Memory非易失性存储器
OBDOn-Board Diagnostic车载诊断系统
OEMOriginal Equipment Manufacturer原始设备制造商
OILISO 17356-6 (OSEK/VDX Implementation Language)vehicle distributed executive汽车分布式执行标准,OSEK实现语言
ODXOpen Diagnostic Data Exchange开放标准诊断格式数据
OSOperating System操作系统
OSEKOpen Systems and the Corresponding Interfaces for Automotive Electronics汽车电子的开放式系统及接口
PCIProtocol Control Information协议控制信息
PDEPProfile of Data Exchange Point
PDUProtocol Data Unit协议数据单元
PHMPlatform Health Management平台健康管理
PKCSPublic Key Cryptography Standards公钥加密标准
POSIXPortable Operating System Interface可移植操作系统接口
PSProduct Supplier
PSKPre-Shared Key预共享秘钥
PWMPulse Width Modulation
RAMRandom Access Memory随机存储器
RDGRunnable Dependency Graph
RESTRepresentational State Transfer
RfCRequest for Change
ROMRead-Only Memory只读存储器
RPRapid Prototyping
RPCRemote Procedure Call
RSACryptographic approach according to Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman
RTERuntime Environment运行环境
SAESociety of Automotive Engineers
SDService Discovery
SDGSpecial Data Group
SDUService Data Unit
SHASecure Hash Algorithm
SHMSystem Health Monitoring
SILSafety Integrity Level
SOAService Oriented Architecture
SOME/IPScalable service-Oriented MiddlewarE over IP
SPSynchronization Point
SPEMSoftware & Systems Process Engineering Meta-model
SPISerial Peripheral Interface串行外设接口
SSTSignal-Service Translation
SW-CSoftware Component软件组件
SWCT/SWC-TSoftware Component Template
SWSSoftware Specification软件规范
SYST/SYS-TSystem Template
TCTimed Communication
TCTest Case
TCPTransmission Control Protocol
TIMEXTIMing EXTensions
TLSTransport Layer Security
TLVTag Length Value
TPTransport Protocol传输协议
TTCANTime Triggered CAN
TTLTime To Live
TTPTime Triggered Protocol
UDPUser (Universal) Datagram Protocol
UDSUnified Diagnostic Services统一诊断服务
UDPNMUDP Network Management
UMLUnified Modeling Language
URIUniform Resource Identifier
URLUniform Resource Locator
USBUniversal Serial Bus通用串行总线
UTFUniversal coded character set Transformation Format
UUIDUniversally Unique Identifier
VFBVirtual Functional Bus虚拟功能总线
VLANVirtual Local Area Network
VSAVariable Size Array
VSMVehicle State Manager
VISSVehicle Information Service Specification
VMMVehicle Mode Management
WCETWorst Case Execution Time
WCRTWorst Case Response time
WPAutosar Work PackageAutosar工作包
W3CWorld Wide Web Consortium
XCPUniversal Calibration Protocol通用标定服务
XMLExtensible Markup Language
XPAbstract Platform
XSDXML Schema Definition
..To be updated