Abbreviation/缩写 | Description/说明 | 翻译 |
AA | Adaptive Application | 自适应应用程序 |
ABC | Abstract Base Class | |
ABI | Application Binary Interface | 应用程序接口 |
ADC | Analog Digital Converter | 模数转换器 |
AES | Advanced Encryption Standard | |
AMM | Application Mode Management | |
AP | AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform | AUTOSAR自适应平台 |
API | Application Programming Interface | 应用程序接口 |
ARA | AUTOSAR Runtime for Adaptive Applications | 自适应应用程序运行时 |
ARP | Address Resolution Protocol | 地址解析协议 |
ARTI | AUTOSAR Run-Time Interface | AUTOSAR运行时接口 |
ASAM | Association for Standardization of Automation and Measuring systems | 自动化及测量系统标准协会 |
ASD | Abstract System Description | |
ASIL | Automotive Safety Integrity Levels | 汽车安全完整性等级 |
ASW | Application SoftWare | 应用软件 |
ATP | AUTOSAR Template Profile | |
ATS | Acceptance Test Suite | |
AUTOSAR | AUTomotive Open System Architecture | 汽车开放系统架构 |
BFx | Bitfield functions for fixed point | |
BSW | Basic Software | 基础软件 |
BSWM | Basic SoftWare Mode manager | 基础软件模式管理器 |
BSWMD | Basic SoftWare Module Description | 基础软件模块说明 |
CAN | Controller Area Network | 控制器域网 |
CCF | Common Cause Failure | |
CDD | Complex Driver | 复杂驱动 |
CP | AUTOSAR Classic Platform | AUTOSAR经典平台 |
COM | COmmunication Management | 通信管理 |
CPU | Central Processing Unit | 中央处理器 |
CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Check | 循环冗余校验码 |
DAC | Digital to Analog Converter | 数模转换器 |
DCM | Diagnostic Communication Management | 诊断通信管理 |
DDS | Data Distribution Service | 数据分发服务 |
DEM | Diagnostic Event Manager | 诊断事件管理 |
DES | Data Encryption Standard | 数据加密标准 |
DET | Development(Default) Error Tracer | 默认或开发错误追踪器 |
DEXT | Diagnostic EXTract | 诊断提取模板 |
DHCP | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol | |
DIO | Digital Input/Output | |
DLC | Data Length Code | |
DM | Diagnostic Manager | 诊断管理 |
DoIP | Diagnostics over Internet Protocol | |
DTC | Diagnostic Trouble Code | |
DTD | Document Type Definition | |
E2E | End to End | 端到端 |
ECU | Electronic Control Unit | 电子控制单元 |
ECB | Electronic Code Book | |
ECC | Elliptic Curve Cryptography | |
ECDSA | Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm | |
ECIES | Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme | |
EDDSA | Edwards-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm | |
EEC | Executable Entity Cluster | |
EEPROM | Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory | 电可擦可编程序只读存储器 |
EOC | Execution Order Constraint | |
EOCEERG | Execution Order Constraint Executable Entity Reference Group | |
FC | Functional Cluster | |
FID | Function Identifier | 功能标识符 |
FIM | Function Inhibition Manager | 功能禁止管理器 |
FIFO | First In First Out | 先进先出 |
FIBEX | Field Bus Exchange Format | |
FO | (AUTOSAR) FOundation | 基础(CP和AP通用部分) |
FOTA | Firmware Over The Air | 固件空中下载 |
FPU | Floating Point Unit | |
FQDN | Fully-Qualified Domain Name | |
FW | Fire Wire | 火线 |
GCM | Galios/Counter Mode | |
GENIVI | GENeva In-Vehicle Infotainment | |
GPT | General Purpose Timer | 通用定时器 |
GSM | Global System for Mobile Communication | |
HMAC | Hash-based Message Authentication Code | 基于散列的消息认证码 |
HTTP | Hypertext Transport Protocol | 超文本传输协议 |
HW | Hardware | 硬件 |
I-PDU | Interaction Layer Protocol Data Unit | |
ICC | Implementation Conformance Class | |
ICMP | Internet Control Message Protocol | |
ICOM | Intelligent COMmunication controller | |
ICU | Input Capture Unit | |
ID | IDentifier | |
IDL | Interface Description Language | |
IEC | International Electrotechnical Commission | |
IFI | Interpolation Floating point | |
IFx | Interpolation Fixed point | |
IO | Input/ Output | |
IP | Internet Protocol | |
ISO | International Standardization Organization | |
ISR | Interrupt Service Routine | |
JSON | JavaScript Object Notation | |
LAN | Local Area Network | |
L-PDU | Protocol Data Unit of the data Link layer | |
L-SDU | SDU of the data Link layer | |
LET | Logical Execution Time | 逻辑执行时间 |
LIFO | Last In First Out | 后进先出 |
LIN | Local Interconnected Network | |
LT | Log and Trace | |
LSB | Least Significant Bit | 最低有效位 |
MAC | Media Access Control | |
MAC | Message Authentication Code | |
mC( μC) | MicroController | 微控制器 |
MCAL | Microcontroller Abstraction Layer | 微控制器抽象层 |
MCU | Micro Controller Unit | |
MD | Message Digest | |
ME | Mappable Element | |
MFI | Mathematical Floating point | |
MFx | Math - Fixed Point | |
MIPS | Million Instructions Per Second | 每秒百万条指令 |
MMU | Memory Management Unit | 内存管理单元 |
MMI | Man Machine Interface | 人机接口 |
MOST | Media Oriented Systems Transport | MOST总线 |
mP | MicroProcessor | |
MPU | Memory Protection Unit | |
MSB | Most Significant Bit | 最高有效位 |
MTU | Maximum Transmission Unit | 最大传输单元 |
NM | Network Management | 网络管理 |
N-PDU | Protocol Data Unit of the Network layer (transport protocols) | |
N-SDU | SDU of the Network layer (transport protocols) | |
NVRAM | Non-Volatile Random Access Memory | 非易失性存储器 |
OBD | On-Board Diagnostic | 车载诊断系统 |
OEM | Original Equipment Manufacturer | 原始设备制造商 |
OIL | ISO 17356-6 (OSEK/VDX Implementation Language) | vehicle distributed executive汽车分布式执行标准,OSEK实现语言 |
ODX | Open Diagnostic Data Exchange | 开放标准诊断格式数据 |
OS | Operating System | 操作系统 |
OSEK | Open Systems and the Corresponding Interfaces for Automotive Electronics | 汽车电子的开放式系统及接口 |
PCI | Protocol Control Information | 协议控制信息 |
PDEP | Profile of Data Exchange Point | |
PDU | Protocol Data Unit | 协议数据单元 |
PHM | Platform Health Management | 平台健康管理 |
PKCS | Public Key Cryptography Standards | 公钥加密标准 |
POSIX | Portable Operating System Interface | 可移植操作系统接口 |
PS | Product Supplier | |
PSK | Pre-Shared Key | 预共享秘钥 |
PWM | Pulse Width Modulation | |
RAM | Random Access Memory | 随机存储器 |
RDG | Runnable Dependency Graph | |
REST | Representational State Transfer | |
RfC | Request for Change | |
ROM | Read-Only Memory | 只读存储器 |
RP | Rapid Prototyping | |
RPC | Remote Procedure Call | |
RSA | Cryptographic approach according to Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman | |
RTE | Runtime Environment | 运行环境 |
SAE | Society of Automotive Engineers | |
SD | Service Discovery | |
SDG | Special Data Group | |
SDU | Service Data Unit | |
SHA | Secure Hash Algorithm | |
SHM | System Health Monitoring | |
SIL | Safety Integrity Level | |
SOA | Service Oriented Architecture | |
SOME/IP | Scalable service-Oriented MiddlewarE over IP | |
SP | Synchronization Point | |
SPEM | Software & Systems Process Engineering Meta-model | |
SPI | Serial Peripheral Interface | 串行外设接口 |
SST | Signal-Service Translation | |
SW | Software | 软件 |
SW-C | Software Component | 软件组件 |
SWCT/SWC-T | Software Component Template | |
SWS | Software Specification | 软件规范 |
SYST/SYS-T | System Template | |
TC | Timed Communication | |
TC | Test Case | |
TCP | Transmission Control Protocol | |
TIMEX | TIMing EXTensions | |
TLS | Transport Layer Security | |
TLV | Tag Length Value | |
TP | Transport Protocol | 传输协议 |
TTCAN | Time Triggered CAN | |
TTL | Time To Live | |
TTP | Time Triggered Protocol | |
UDP | User (Universal) Datagram Protocol | |
UDS | Unified Diagnostic Services | 统一诊断服务 |
UDPNM | UDP Network Management | |
UML | Unified Modeling Language | |
URI | Uniform Resource Identifier | |
URL | Uniform Resource Locator | |
USB | Universal Serial Bus | 通用串行总线 |
UTF | Universal coded character set Transformation Format | |
UUID | Universally Unique Identifier | |
VFB | Virtual Functional Bus | 虚拟功能总线 |
V2X | Vehicle-To-Everything | |
VLAN | Virtual Local Area Network | |
VSA | Variable Size Array | |
VSM | Vehicle State Manager | |
VISS | Vehicle Information Service Specification | |
VMM | Vehicle Mode Management | |
WCET | Worst Case Execution Time | |
WCRT | Worst Case Response time | |
WP | Autosar Work Package | Autosar工作包 |
W3C | World Wide Web Consortium | |
XCP | Universal Calibration Protocol | 通用标定服务 |
XML | Extensible Markup Language | |
XP | Abstract Platform | |
XSD | XML Schema Definition | |
..To be updated |